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How to Make an Essay Look Longer

How to Make an Essay Look Longer

December 12, 2018

Students often face the task of creating rather voluminous essays. Many learners often do not have the inspiration or time to create large texts. There are some techniques that will help you make your paper visually longer. Nevertheless, you should take into account that using these recommendations you will not be able to increase the number of words in your essay.

Font Size

Everyone knows that text written in a larger font takes up more pages. Of course, if you choose a huge type, your teacher will notice it. Therefore, you should increase the font only a little. For example, students usually write their essay using 12 Times New Roman font; you can use the same script, but size 13. Visually, the difference is almost unnoticeable. However, your text will take more pages.


Ornamental letters, photographs, drawings, paintings, etchings, monograms, rapports, repeating can be used as inserts.

Epigraphs are also considered inserts. They are often used to uncover the essence of the chapter, section, topic, and work as a whole. Moreover, the more you apply epigraphs, the more you increase the page volume of the text. At the same time, the use of epigraphs is a hidden indicator of your erudition, which causes respect for you as an author. Make sure that the pictures, tables, and other elements match the theme of your paper.

Line Spacing

You can increase the number of pages in your text using a bigger line spacing. However, as in the previous cases, you should not use a huge interval. Increase it only a little.


Changing margins in a document is also an easy way to resize your text. The most popular format is the use of 1-inch margins. Increase the size of the margins so that your text will take up more space and the number of pages will increase.

Long Titles

This method also allows you to make your essay longer. You can create a title that consists of two or more sentences. However, you should not write a lot of long headings in one document.

Use Direct Quotes

The presence of direct quotes can increase your text. It is important to remember the rules of citing and references formatting. Quotes can make your text more interesting; however, do not forget that your thoughts and ideas must be the bulk of your work.

How to Reduce the Number of Pages

Sometimes students face the opposite problem. Many users of Word text editor often pay attention to the fact that the last page of a document contains only one or two lines of text, which increases the total number of pages. It does not look the best way when printing a document. In order to reduce the number of pages in a paper, first, you need to look through the whole text and determine whether it is possible to delete unnecessary words, spaces, and empty lines. If the document has pictures, you can try to reduce their size. If nothing can be deleted, you can try to apply hyphenations in the text of your paper.

You can also resize the margins of the document. To do this, go to the “File” menu and select “Page Settings.” Then the window with the same name will open, in which you can reduce the left, right, bottom, or top margins. As a rule, even a small reduction can give the desired result. A good effect can be achieved by a change in the line spacing or the interval between paragraphs. The easiest way to modify the spacing is to change the corresponding parameters of the style.

Thus, you can choose the most suitable technique from the offered methods and use it in your work. Just do not forget to analyze the results in order to detect undesirable consequences in time and correct them.

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